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The countdown to Valentine's Day is on!

Boogie with us! The Most Loved songs of the EEFM Family

Boogie with us! The Most Loved songs of the EEFM Family

Everyone loves a good pump up jam to get them psyched for the day, and here at EEFM we love to listen to music that inspires us and makes us feel happy!
We have complied a list of songs that we all love to listen to, to get our creative juices flowing and our energy on a high!


Here is our compilation of our most loved songs to listen to while creating floral masterpieces for our beautiful customers and while delivering them!
Sophie - Fatboy Slim, Weapon of Choice
Bell -RAT!hammock Love you till I die
Irene - Lady Gaga, Rain on me 
Hannah - Bugs, Instant Coffee
Bonnie - Lapsley, Operator
Grace - Kanye West, American Boy 
Rosie - Paul Simon, You can cal me al 
Lois - the kooks, Eddie gun 
Justine - Foals, Balloons
Renee - Sixouse and the banshees, Hong Kong Garden
Emily - love, little red book
Dan - Crackazat, coffee time 
Miles - Weyes Blood, Everyday
Sam - deafheaven, great mass of colour 
Simon - Kate bush, sunset 
Stu - shame, Angie 
Much love and happy Listening!
The East End Flower Market Family 

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