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The countdown to Valentine's Day is on!

Important message from EEFM about new changes

Important message from EEFM about new changes

After much deliberation, Justine, Josh and the East End Flower Market team have decided that it will close its retail shop as way of contributing to flattening the curve with Covid-19.
This has been a very big decision for EEFM but believe that it is our duty of care and the responsibility of our business to make this decision for the best interest of our staff, their families and you, our loyal customers.
Whilst we know store closures have not been enforced by the Australia Government we think it is best to act now and put plans in place for our future.
So what is East End Flower Market doing to move forward?
Whilst our retail shop will be closed to the public, we will be working away in our studio space. We have implemented a $10 discount on all delivery fees and will be continuing to provide our flower delivery across Adelaide.
We encourage you to use this opportunity to use our delivery service.

We pledge to you that we will continue to provide the very best service that we pride ourselves on whilst keeping our hygiene practices at the forefront of our minds. Our couriers pledge to be respectful and leave flowers by doors.
We will continue to operate under this new way until we either have to shut down or things improve.
We love having all your wonderful people in our store, it is the best part of our jobs but we also want to make sure that we are all safe and we think that this is the best way for you to still enjoy EEFM!
As of Wednesday the 18thof March at 6pm we will be online only. Of course we will still be available by phone.
We thank you for your on going support as we transition into this current phase of EEFM.
Much love, Justine, Josh and The EEFM Team.
Important message from EEFM about new changes

Important message from EEFM about new changes

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