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How to take an instagram worthy photo of your EEFM blooms!

How to take an instagram worthy photo of your EEFM blooms!

How to take an Instagram worthy photo of your EEFM blooms!
We are lucky to work somewhere that provides us with a million photo opportunities every day, and we like to think we have definitely mastered the art of taking the perfect floral IG photo.
We love to see where our beautiful flowers end up, and enjoy getting to look through the photos East End Flower Market is tagged in. So, how to take the perfect Insta-worthy shot of your beautiful blooms?

The most important thing with any photo is the lighting! Natural light will always make your EEFM blooms pop in a photo, so try and find somewhere, inside or out, that has beautiful natural lighting. Try and avoid having light coming from directly above the flowers you are photographing, that will cause lots of shadows and be distracting!
The second most important thing to take into consideration is what backdrop you are going to shoot in front of! A lot of people will say that simple is best, but at EEFM we like to go bold, or go home! Often when you look at our feed, you will see that we pick out backdrops with hints of colour that compliment the blooms we are showcasing. If you’re bold enough, consider taking your photo in front of your favourite piece of artwork in your home, or your favourite spot in the garden!
The last helpful hint we will give you is about focus! If you tilt your stunning EEFM bouquet slightly towards the camera, and focus on that, it will make the background fade away, ensuring that your beautiful blooms are the star of the image!
Why not pop past 248 Grenfell Street on your way home tonight, or over the weekend, to pick up a bunch and get photographing! Make sure to share it with us using the #eastendflowermarket hashtag – we would love to see them!
Happy snapping!
Bon x

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