**What is Reflexing?**
Reflexing is a technique that involves gently peeling back the outer petals of a rose to reveal its inner beauty. It's a simple yet effective way to enhance the elegance of your roses.

**Materials Needed:**
- Roses of your choice (Pink Floyd, Cayenne, Free Spirit, Hermosa, Nina, Playa Blanca)
- Clean, sharp scissors or pruning shears
**Step 1: Choose the Right Roses**
Select roses that are in the stage between fully closed and fully open. The recommended varieties for reflexing are Pink Floyd, Cayenne, Free Spirit, Hermosa, Nina, and Playa Blanca.
**Step 2: Prepare Your Workspace**
Find a clean, well-lit area to work. Make sure your scissors or pruning shears are clean and sharp.
**Step 3: Hold the Rose**
Gently hold the rose by its base, ensuring a firm grip without damaging the stem.
**Step 4: Peel Back Outer Petals**
Using your fingers or scissors, start peeling back the outer petals of the rose. Take it slow and be gentle to avoid damaging the inner layers.
**Step 5: Gradual Unveiling**
Continue peeling back the petals, allowing the inner layers of the rose to gradually reveal themselves. The goal is to showcase the natural beauty of the bloom.
**Step 6: Adjust Petals if Needed**
If some petals are stubborn or not unfolding as desired, you can carefully adjust them with your fingers to achieve the desired look.
**Step 7: Repeat for Each Rose**
Repeat the process for each rose you want to reflex. Each variety, be it Pink Floyd, Cayenne, Free Spirit, Hermosa, Nina, or Playa Blanca, will bring its own unique charm.
**Step 8: Display Your Reflexed Roses**
Place your reflexed roses in a vase or use them in floral arrangements. Their enhanced beauty and unique form will make a stunning visual impact.

Congratulations! You've successfully reflexed your roses, bringing out their inner elegance. Enjoy your beautifully transformed blooms from EEFM! 🌹✨