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The countdown to Valentine's Day is on!

What is the Language of Flowers?

What is the Language of Flowers?

The Language of Flowers
Like just about anything throughout history, different varieties of flowers have had lots of varied and interesting associations. Here at EEFM, we don’t think too much about this sort of thing, and believe that you can send any of our products, for any occasion – it’s the sentiment that counts! We like to create using what looks best and looks most interesting, but a little history lesson never hurt!
One of our favourite flowers here at EEFM is the Chrysanthemum. Not only do they come in a fantastic range of colours, but they last a really long time as well.  The chrysanthemum is the November birth flower, and the 13thwedding anniversary flower. We at EEFM aren’t the only ones to love the humble chrysy - in Japan they have a Festival of Happiness every year to celebrate this flower!
Another big star is the Protea. We love we when have native flowers in store, it’s our favourite time of year! The Protea is named after Proteus, the son of Poseidon, who although being all-knowing and had the ability of prophesizing about the future, preferred to nap on an island instead. It is said the Proteus would change his appearance to hide from people who sought his wisdom, and that the Protea was named after him because it comes in so many different shapes, sizes, colours and textures – with over 1,400 varieties!
You’ll see Sunflowers popping up from time to time at East End Flower Market. Originally, sunflowers were grown for their oil and seeds, rather than because of how beautiful they are! It’s thought that the Inca Empire worshiped sunflowers, and that priestesses wore large sunflower disks made of gold around their necks. Images of the sunflower appear throughout history in art from all over the world, especially in the Impressionist Era. Now, the sunflower is traditionally the 3rdwedding anniversary flower!
Of course, each of us probably has our own favourite flower because we have a personal history with it, and that gives them our own personal meaning. For me, I will always love camellias because they remind me of my Nan – she grows the best ones in her garden! While it’s interesting to learn about the meanings and associations from the past, it’s great to add your own and start your own traditions amongst your friends and family!
Happy learning!
Bon x

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