How to care for your
EEFM Golden Cane Palm
PLANT PROFILE: Golden Cane Palm
Common Name: Golden Cane Palm, Areca Palm, Butterfly Palm
Scientific/Botanical Name: Chrysalidocarpusor Areca Lutescens
Type of Plant: Palm
Origin: Madagascar
Watering: One of the worst things to do is over water this palm and let it sit in it’s drainage water! This plant will love you if you wait for the top soil to dry between watering and all excess water to drain out and away!
Climate: Average temperatures are perfect for this plant but watch for those sudden temperature drops in the autumn months, this mixed with cold drafts can cause brown stops on the fronds (leaves).
Sunlight: Bright indirect sunlight for this plant is a must if you want it to grow swimmingly. Not enough light will slow the grow and too much will burn the leaves!
How does the Plant go with pets?
This plant is non-toxic to pets! I mean let’s not give our furry pals a green pass to eat away our plants, but it does give us peace of mind if they like to taste test plants..
How big does the plant grow?
Slow and steady this palm can grow to ceiling height (if your ceilings are only 8ft tall). They usually stay approximately 3-5ft tall indoors but at their happiest can reach their 8ft height.
Palms Clean Our Air!
Palms have been named one of the greatest air purifying plants ever so if you have a house that can often get a little musty or you use one too many cleaning products this is a good choice for you!
Fertilizer: During the warmer months feed this palm with a palm fertilizer every few weeks.
Repotting: This is a perfect plant for those who don’t wish to re-pot very often. Only re-pot this plant every three or so years as they actually like staying in one house for a good amount of time. If you are to re-pot make sure you only pot it as deep as it previously was sitting, make sure you don’t bury it deeper than it was.
Common Problems:
- Yellowing leaves – Possible under watering or too much direct sunlight (burning of the leaves)
- Browning leaves – Dry or cold air can cause the tips of the leaves to brown. Lower leaves will turn brown naturally after a period of time and die off to allow new growth, you can remove this by carefully tearing or cutting it off
- Root rotting – This can occur if the plant has been constantly over watered or if there is not enough drainage for the soil