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Rubber Tree

Rubber Tree

How to care for your

EEFM Rubber Tree

Common Name: Rubber Tree, Rubber Plant
Scientific/Botanical Name: Ficus Elastica
Type of Plant: Ficus – there are many different types of Ficus Elastica!
EEFM stocks the common Ficus Elastica Black Prince/Burgundy
Origin: Tropical Southeast Asia
Watering: This is a plant that you will have to keep an eye on. Once the soil becomes dry to touch, give it a water and let it dry out between watering. The biggest ‘don’t’ for the Rubber Tree is over watering!
Climate: Rubber Trees hate fans and aircons, so if you’re lucky to have those in your house, move the plant out of the cooling area of the house to avoid sudden temperature drops and drafts.
Sunlight: The Rubber Tree can grow in low light, but prefers to have a well lit environment, away from the direct sunlight
How does the Plant go with pets?
A plant best kept away from our furry friends. These can be toxic when ingested so up on a shelf or in a higher planter is the best place for this plant. In saying this, if your animals aren’t fused with your plants and don’t see them as food, they wont be a problem!
How big does the plant grow?
If you are looking for a tree to take over your entire garden, plus the neighbours, plus the rest of the street, plant the rubber tree in the ground and it may give you just that. But if you’re like us and just love the look of the little ornamental plant with its burgundy or variegated shiny leaves we suggest to keep it in a nice little pot to contain its growth!
Fertilizer: In the summer months a weak liquid fertilizer every few weeks provides a good dose of happiness to the Rubber Tree
Repotting: Rubber Trees only need repotting when you can see that the rots are beginning to grow out of the bottom of its pot. In this case, it’s best to give it some new soil each year to renew the nutrients
Common Problems:
  • Dusty leaves – With a soft wet towel you can easily clean the dust off of the leaves, allowing more lit and life back into the plant
  • Loss of leaves – Over watering, cold temperatures, drafts, and moving the plant from a well lit area to a dull area can all cause leaves to fall off of the Rubber Tree. Once the plant has been put in an environment it is best to not move it too often
  • Insects- Scale, mites and mealy bugs are common to all Ficus Trees. Simply wipe down the leaves to remove the bugs (scale looks like dark sap droplets on the leaves) and then spray with a gentle insecticide (water and dishwashing liquid mixed can work a treat!)
Little Fun Facts
  • There are more varieties of Ficus Trees than we can count on our hands and they are all very different!
  • Ficus Trees are groups due to the wooden stick stem they all have!