Teeny Tiny Posy
Our Teeny Tiny Posy is a delightful and thoughtfully designed bouquet, handcrafted by our talented florists. Featuring seasonal blooms with an emphasis on locally grown flowers, this petite arrangement is perfect for small, sweet gestures. Choose from our signature color palettes: Pastel, Neutral, or Vibrant.
Each posy is beautifully wrapped in premium paper, tissue, and ribbon, making it a charming gift for any occasion.
Care and Longevity
Your flowers will be delivered in a wet wrap, ensuring they remain fresh for up to 12 hours. With proper care, the blooms are expected to last between 3–7 days. Please refer to our flower care tips here for detailed guidance.
Card Message
Include a personal message to make your gift extra special. You can select one of our elegant gift cards at checkout, or if no gift card is chosen, your message will be presented on an EEFM complimentary card.
Have Questions or Custom Requests?
If you have any questions about this product or wish to customise your posy, please leave your preferences in the florist notes section at checkout or call us on 8225 6477 to discuss.
Additional Information
Read about EEFM's substitution policy here.
View East End Flower Market's Adelaide delivery fees here.
Trust EEFM to create something truly unique and special for your one-of-a-kind and cherished someone.